The Bronzedog Group

IT & Business Consulting

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Automate what?
You name it. Automation typically assumes automating a process that is currently being performed manually. Many continue to believe that everything on a computer is "automated", when, in fact, much of what a computer outputs is simply processed manually in an electronic forum. We do process analysis; make recommendations for improvements; oversee implementation; and/or train your staff to accomplish the stated goals, to maintain the new processes, and to look for ways to continue to make improvements.

Question: What is BPR?
Business Process Reengineering is an approach aimed at improvements in efficiency (doing things better) and effectiveness (doing the right things) of the business methodologies within organizations. The key to BPR is to determine how processes can best be constructed to improve how business is conducted assuming you could start with a clean slate. Dr. James Martin was probably the first to mention that "RE"-engineering may be an inappropriate term since many processes were never 'engineered' in the first place.

Question: What is the difference between Time Management and Management Time?
Time Management, and Management Time are not the same thing. Understand and respect both. In Time Management, you learn to manage time by making lists and assigning priorities. In Management Time, you learn the difference between efficiency (doing things right) and effectiveness (doing the right things). -- based on principles presented by Dr. Stephen R. Covey

Question: Does The Bronzedog Group take on any engagement?
We are selective. A thing not worth doing, is not worth doing!